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Browse our Seasons Cartoons

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  • A sleeping snowman gets an instant beard when a snow blower goes by.
  • Old Christmas trees get recycled into car air fresheners.
  • A snowman gets a carrot peeler as a gift.
  • Martha Stewart's cat has some Christmas designs of her own.
  • Gumby has nightmares about being made into a dreidel.
  • A couple shows off with a two horse open sleigh.
  • Santa installs the operating system 'Chimneys XP' on his computer.
  • A cat takes her kitten to the water park because it didn't behave.
  • A boy mows the lawn because he thinks it's a video game.
  • Columbus pretends he has a flat stomach on the beach, when it's really round.
  • A man plays a tape of pool sounds to make his neighbors think he has a pool.
  • A man disappears into his Bermuda Triangle Shorts.