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Browse our Seasons Cartoons

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  • Scarecrow uses a rake over.
  • The groundhog spends the rest of the year playing Shadow Smasher.
  • Jack Frost looses his teeth when he bites you when he's old.
  • A snowman gets caught in the middle of a snowball fight.
  • Santa comes down a mountain with stone tablets.
  • The Donder party finishes the last candy cane.
  • Rudolph gives his girlfriend glowing hickeys.
  • A man plays a CD of air conditioner music at night.
  • Eve shows Adam the fall styles when the leaves on their tree change.
  • A snail gets rid of its shell after hearing the ocean all of the time.
  • A bird uses Southwest Airlines to migrate south.
  • A monster orders soup, and gets a pool full of noodles.