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Browse our Seasons Cartoons

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  • A kid dresses up like an adult during adult swim.
  • A dog catches frisbees in his hand because he has sensitive teeth
  • An ad is for videos about grills gone wild.
  • Dogs rig a man's grill spatula so he'll drop food for them.
  • Porridge is always too cold for the three polar bears.
  • Spending a few minutes in New England can alleviate neck pain.
  • A woman puts a "squirrel feeder" sign on top of the bird feeder.
  • A slug salts the walkway after a snowstorm.
  • Five o'clock shadow has trouble with daylight savings time.
  • A snowman can have its smile fixed with surgery, or by just moving the buttons.
  • A future orthodontist fixes a snowman's smile, then takes an arm and a leg.
  • A cat uses a blowdryer to get a bird out of a snowman.