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People love watching snowflakes fall, and snowflakes love watching people fall.
Two guys play hockey on the ice, while two fish play hockey under the ice.
Frosty the Snowman is in an accident and needs an infusion of ice water.
Trees hold their breath and look small so they don't get cut down.
A boy loses his cell phone in the snow, and it ends up in a snowman.
A shark bites a man making a snowman for a meal with sorbet.
A man likes mowing the lawn in fall because he never loses his place.
A man using the George Hamilton Grill always have overdone food.
The Tin Man uses a self bronzing spray to get his tan.
Headache inducer is used to disrupt the mosquito breeding cycle.
What happens to the tree's mood once all of the sap has been drained.
A lifeguard uses a paintball gun and sun screen pellets on the beach.