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The Earth takes off Earth Day, leaving everything floating in space.
The candle from Beauty and the Beast burns the clock's butt.
A robin plays his songs from a CD, instead of singing them.
The robin on the feeder is the second robin of spring, because the cat ate the first.
Bears prank another bear by drawing on him while he hibernates.
A giant uses a snow blower to get rid of his dandruff.
No two flakes are alike, whether people or snowflakes.
Fish swim in a thin layer of water beneath a huge layer of ice.
A drinking straw walks across the top of a soda cup in a horror movie for straws.
A snowman gets rock hard abs by opening a box of coal.
Groundhog's shadow tells therapist is sad because everyone is disappointed when he shows up.
Dinosaurs had trouble adapting to the Ice Age when they slipped on the ice.