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A penguin has inverted black and white feathers.
A teenager programs a Back To School chip in the TV that blocks all of the Back To School advertisements.
The hot weather makes a boy change from pants to shorts which are only slightly shorter in length.
A man gets a checkered tan from his sun screen.
Dissolving lemon drops in Ted's pocket turn water yellow, making it look like he peed in the pool.
Man uses a sand detector in a pile of trash at the beach to look for sand.
A hermit crab is surprised that her husband took her to a shell-less beach.
Barbecue cook is served Cease and Desist order by air traffic control because of smoke.
Man wearing "Kiss the Cook" apron gets cease and desist order from Center for Infectious Diseases.
A man wearing a "Master Chef"' apron is given a false advertising lawsuit by a lawyer.
All the experiences of a day at the beach in virtual reality.
A shark in a barbecue apron says he hopes his friends like their people cooked on the outside and pink in the middle.