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Browse our Seasons Cartoons

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  • Mrs. Claus tells Santa she is with Frosty because doctor told her to apply cold to shoulders.
  • An autumn leaf has a dream about falling out of the tree.
  • Snowman warns friend about snowwoman because she's a gold digger, or rather a coal digger.
  • Man plays golf while pretending to rake leaves in yard.
  • Thanksgiving parody of the movie "Weekend at Bernie's."
  • One of Gerald's cold-sensitive teeth goes to Florida to warm up and sends a postcard.
  • Trick-or-Treater looks exactly like the homeowner, effectively stealing his identity as his costume.
  • Saving broken holiday decorations for reuse at Halloween.
  • Overweight man asks city workers to not place the "thickly settled"' sign in front of his house.
  • Man raises money to make a shelter of animals.
  • Man barbecue grills shark steaks that are obviously fresh since he has a shark bite on his butt.
  • A doctor recommends that a shark needs more roughage, so it looks for someone with body piercings.