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A man runs a complicated grilling simulation on his computer.
Two trucks salt and then pepper a road.
A lawyer asks Jack Frost's widow why her fingerprints were on the defrost button.
Cave people hide enormous dinosaur eggs for Easter egg hunt.
A cat has trouble getting his contact lenses in during shedding season.
A mug of hot tea tries to flirt with a cup of iced tea.
A company called Dog Days Inc. will embrace global warming so they can expand to the other three seasons.
Rain, rain, go away, ring around the rosy, and pat-a-cake updated.
A groundhog identifies animals from a police lineup by their shadows.
Snowman missing piece of coal is called a ladies' man for being unbuttoned.
A snowman is allergic to carrots, so it uses celery as a nose instead.
Surviving Christmas with a cat around is difficult for Christmas ornaments.