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Browse our Seasons Cartoons

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  • Direct sunlight tells hairy man in Speedo no one wants to see him in that Speedo.
  • Injured softball player in dugout raves about beer cooler full of ice for his softball injury.
  • Girl with fishing pole casts her line at the sun trying to catch some rays.
  • Mayor commemorates Earth Day planting a tree for the press after clearing trees for conference.
  • Wife in kitchen responds to husband sneezing up snakes, as he suffers from the uncommon cold.
  • A boy uses technology to help predict locations of Easter eggs.
  • Daughter says her winter boots can't go in snow, the father sighs "Ugg," the boots are named.
  • A snowman refers friend to a rabbit for a nose job.
  • Groundhog emerges to find the shadow is not his on Groundhog Day, it is a wolf's.
  • Snowman holding snow thinks of potential medical benefits snow has for replicating parts of snowmen.
  • Snowmen playing golf in snow loses coal golf balls.
  • Snowmen argue over which child is the true snowman creator.