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Browse our Seasons Cartoons

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  • Whoever catches the traditional thrown spatula will be the next to convince his wife he needs a new grill.
  • New phone app detects burned food and calls for pizza.
  • Perennials find out a male flower only dates annuals to avoid long term relationships.
  • Turtles see kids in a turtle sandbox and are horrified.
  • A young Hitchcock put birdseed in his snowman to get flocks of birds to attack it.
  • Snowflake screams at movie screen as snowflake is about to land on tongue.
  • Polar Bear Club member captures seal.
  • Host regrets taking plastic covers off furniture when guest son brings home is a snowman.
  • To avoid embarrassment, Alyssa wears a summer background to look photoshopped.
  • Phil won't visit mother-in-law on Groundhog's Day as he claims to be afraid of shadow.
  • Hockey player talks to therapist in penalty box during his five minutes.
  • A bird tries to say the snow covering a car is actually bird poop.