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Stranded snowmen confess to eating carrot noses to survive.
Groundhog auditions or casts shadows to play the role of his shadow.
Snowman dad doesn't realize he's about to throw snow kid's head in snowball fight.
Therapist tells snowflake it's unrealistic to date someone exactly like yourself.
After drinking at crazy New Year's Eve party, snowman thinks snowwoman has his torso.
Dog has appointment with vet schedule because his pee is blue in the snow.
Deciduous trees comment on how they have never seen pine tree change his clothes.
Mosquito tries to convince woman to date him before first frost kills him.
Man on hill relaxes as neighbor below has to rake his leaves.
Cat thanks man for privacy afforded by sand castle used as a litter box.
Beach doesn't allow dogs, but does allow all other types of animals.
Beach volleybrick proves to be a dangerous sport leaving players unconscious.