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Woman uses surplus zucchini in recipes and builds a shed out of it.
Son thinks garden mower is used to cut garden rather than lawn.
Ants arrange themselves in a checkered pattern on a picnic blanket.
Rather than watch swimmers, lifeguard prefers women playing volleyball.
Tick gets caught in avalanche of animal fur during shedding season.
Dirty gutters house birds and are declared protected wetlands.
Aliens use SSSPF to protect their skin from three suns while tanning.
Man on beach wonders what woman's QR code tattoo links to.
Naked man stung by jellyfish on nude beach has worse day than clothed man stung.
Flower is jealous of husband getting a shower with neighboring flower.
Venus fly trap is annoyed that spider is trying to steal its flies.
Woman thought snowman would be muscular when he said he was built.