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Browse our Seasons Cartoons

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  • Snowflakes make themselves into strange shapes in order to stay unique.
  • Cupid, blue from cold, wants Valentine's Day in August.
  • A male bear warns his friend that the girl bear at the bar is promiscuous.
  • Hallmark cards for snowflakes all say "There's no one quite like you" inside.
  • A groundhog gets a sundial as a present.
  • A woman throws tofu balls at a man instead of snowballs.
  • A storm trooper from Star Wars looks normal, and a balmy trooper wears a tank top and board shorts.
  • Two snowmen can't tell the difference between eyes and teeth, because theirs are made of coal.
  • A snowman and a snowwoman roleplay by making themselves different heads out of snow.
  • A snowman keeps his thermostat at 32 because he likes to live on the edge.
  • A dog with a cold nose sniffs the butt of another dog, who spills his wine all over another party guest.
  • A man has 50 words for snow, all of which are swears.