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Frosty melts from defective Galaxy phone that catches fire.
Metal poles get creeped out by A Christmas Story's Ralphie getting his tongue stuck on pole.
Doctor assures Christmas tree that red dangly things are common symptoms this time of year.
Cat makes snowman into a cat by putting carrots as ears.
Kids practice catching snowflakes on tongue in fall by catching falling leaves.
Airplane diffuses pumpkin spice scent into the air in the fall.
Grim Reaper tells diner to say when as he's salting his food from hourglass.
During fall, the giving tree drops more and more leaves.
Student stares at phone to demonstrate to class what she did all summer.
Snake falls in love with similar looking grilled hot dog
Mosquitos wait in line to enter all you can eat buffet tent to bite sleeping camper.
Man is rated as excellent food for mosquitos by Zagat.