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Angel disappointed after making a snow angel because he thought it would be more fun.
Masseuse massaging snowman is horrified his back is melting but Frosty feels loose.
Snowman dreams he’s laughed at because he’s nude without buttons on his chest.
Car is invented that has hands to push itself out of snowbanks.
Woman yells “icy roads” to man driving car but he thinks she said “I see roads” until they flip over.
Blindfolded snowman playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey caught cheating with eyes on his chest like buttons.
Snow woman complains that melting snowman date’s online profile said he was taller and he answers he was that morning.
Sad snowman reads newspaper obituaries of snowmen that melted on a beautiful sunny day.
Cellphone’s weather app tells forecast of which clothes to wear for the week’s weather.
Man on desert island is surprised by pumpkin spice flavored coconut.
Woman shopping for groceries looks at a jar of seasonal pumpkin spice flavored pumpkin spice seasoning.
Customers are arrested and jailed for minor consumer crimes.