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Snowflake on laptop is surprised it has no matches on Ancestry genealogy website online search.
Leafless winter tree sleeping on cold snowy night dreams it is a palm on a sunny tropical island.
Snowman on laptop sees snow removal website ad and wonders if its relationship is in trouble.
Small doll in Russian matryoshka tells other nesting doll to dress in layers when it’s cold.
Snowman therapist asks snowmen with poked in chests in couples counseling if they push each other’s buttons.
Suspicious snowman sees salted foods on computer browser history as wife brings him a snack.
Snowman optician asks if patient sees eye chart better or worse with new lumps of coal.
Red and yellow leaves arguing in bed have both changed since beginning their relationship green.
Kitten shows classroom of cat students bag of cat hair shed over summer vacation.
Raccoon and rabbit at beach play rock-paper-scissors to decide who applies sunblock to porcupine’s spiny back.
Dissolving lemon drops in Ted's pocket turn water yellow, making it look like he peed in the pool.
Man uses a sand detector in a pile of trash at the beach to look for sand.