The times are a changing for FUNNY winter, spring, summer and fall cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

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  • Firework with smartphone weather app sees sudden 1200 degree heat rise Fourth of July hourly temperature forecast.
  • Man in chair is asked if it’s summer yet, sees shedding cat sneeze hair all over living room and answers yup.
  • Wah-wah voice teacher from Shultz’s Charlie Brown cartoon gets summer job at fast food restaurant drive thru speaker.
  • Flock of migrating birds flying north set smartphones to migration airplane mode.
  • Bird watching Netflix in nest realizes it’s late flying south for winter but woman says it’s first robin of spring.
  • Mob of frenzied shoppers fight over coffee in supermarket before daylight savings.
  • Chubby dog waiting to be fed changed food serving size to whole bag with marker.
  • Annoyed devil dad in hell tells excited demon son for the zillionth time it’s not a snow day.
  • Snowmen in court inherit extra face and body parts in deceased snowman’s will.
  • Scared snowmen audience watches twig arm come out of grave in horror film.
  • Snowman sees sunny weather forecast on smartphone app and thinks he’ll go down a size tomorrow.
  • Punxsutawney Phil groundhog on stage realizes he’s self centered so six more weeks of winter.