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  • The four inventors of the cubicle die at once and are buried in one compartmentalized coffin.
  • A bee sermon called "Recognizing the Face of Evil" is about Winnie the Pooh.
  • Lawyers have nothing to do in hell because everyone gets along.
  • Orion gets a gift of suspenders.
  • The Devil exchanges chicken soup for your soul.
  • Adam realizes he's using poison ivy to cover his genitals.
  • Lucifer actually got kicked out of heaven for smoking.
  • Adam and Eve get kicked out of heaven, but at least they can keep the doctor away by eating apples now.
  • Potato is about to get pancaked by a falling safe, beginning a Hanukkah tradition.
  • History's least challenging job was making a map for Noah's ark.
  • Noah's Ark is unbalanced because the hippos and elephants are making it tilt.
  • A tortoise races a Hare Krishna.