FUNNY Halloween cartoons & comics scare up the laughs! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Halloween Cartoons

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  • Disappointed Dracula thinks Valentine’s Day heart candies taste wrong.
  • Confused clown looks for missing ballon animal as inflated belly snake floats away.
  • Spirits over drink puddles at haunted New Year’s Eve party surprised they’re not drunk.
  • Car with Halloween candy likes trick-or-treating vehicle child’s spooky monster truck costume.
  • UFO martians try to invade Earth neighborhood on Halloween but keep getting trick or treat candy by mistake.
  • Trick or treating Russian nesting doll has smaller size Halloween candy bags for kids inside.
  • Lady asks if large full moon is a supermoon & wolfman date says no but changes into giant monster.
  • Witch dining at restaurant eats eye of newt bowl with side dish of side-eye.
  • Ninja Sloth writes Happy Halloween with scary skeleton’s bones to save trick-or-treating kid.
  • Trick or treating kid in authentic canine costume eats all the treat candies & wrappers shocking pet dog and owner.
  • Vampires company manager says worker with three fangs is their most productive employee.
  • Frankenstein monster on computer reads to improve circulation elevate legs on medical website & puts his on shelf.