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Browse our Christmas Cartoons

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  • Bears eating Santa use Santa's Helper.
  • A cat sings a cat version of a Nat King Cole song.
  • A man's drink has snowman parts in it.
  • A female elf hits a male elf with a hammer for asking her if she jingles all the way.
  • A Christmas tree buys an artificial tree like a person would buy a blow-up doll.
  • Santa sues the Jolly Green Giant for ripping off his catchphrase.
  • A woman hides the Keebler Elves she was cheating on her husband with under the bed.
  • Snap snaps and kills Crackle and Pop.
  • Two mice exchange Christmas gifts, which are both mousetraps for pest removal, and the husband encourages his wife to open her gift first.
  • Timmy looks for his mom and dad after creating huge mess while unwrapping his Christmas presents
  • Comet is grumpy and wondering why he always has to clean the toilet, tub, and sink.
  • Child asks mom how Santa will get in house since they have no chimney, Santa is on the roof with an axe.