Get on Santa’s sleigh to FUNNY Christmas cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Christmas Cartoons

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  • Rudolph has two kids, Leif Blinker and Wright Blinker.
  • Santa goes to jail for not giving the government his naughty list.
  • Christmas tree isn't watered enough, so it takes the water from a nearby fish bowl.
  • Mrs. Claus tells Santa she is with Frosty because doctor told her to apply cold to shoulders.
  • A mother and the witch from Hansel and Gretel think that children need instructions.
  • Saving broken holiday decorations for reuse at Halloween.
  • The witch's gingerbread house from Hansel and Gretel gets a interior design makeover.
  • An old woman saves all her e-cards by hoarding computers.
  • The cartoon can be printed for gift wrap that says "Feel free to exchange this."
  • A piece of coal in a Christmas Stocking sings songs by Nat King Cole.
  • A dog is hungry and eats all of the Christmas cookies left for Santa, but the kids think it's Santa.
  • Since Superman can use his X-Ray vision to see his gifts, his wife doesn't see the point.