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Browse our Family Cartoons

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  • A suitcase cries at the therapist because his father was always traveling and his mom never opened up to him.
  • Someone asks a man who designed his tie and he said his daughter did, because she spilled food all over it.
  • The entrance to the emergency room has Mom's Underwear Cleaning Service right outside.
  • Poachers cut off the golden hair of the Brady Bunch.
  • A woman takes her son to the doctor because he literally shut his face.
  • Muffins have to clean their house up because popovers are popping over.
  • A cat wants more food because his owner's baby stole it.
  • A pair of new parents are very excited about their daughter's first solid poop.
  • A woman thinks a baby smiling is just gas, but a man who gets gas all the time doesn't believe her.
  • A kid thinks he has frostbite after a snowman bites him.
  • A man brings his baby to the dry cleaner to get it laundered.