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Browse our Family Cartoons

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  • A bat was a sparkle in his dad's ear instead of his eye.
  • A cat reads a horror story called "For Whom the Can Opener Tolls" to his kids.
  • Santa wakes up a boy's parents to find out who's been forging his name on lame presents.
  • No one realizes Superman's strength until he plays Pull My Finger.
  • Two boys hack Santa's computer to put themselves on the nice list and their sister on the naughty list.
  • A dog sniffs for presents.
  • The Potatohead family eats their relatives for Thanksgiving dinner.
  • One cat makes a diversion while another cat prepares to steal the Thanksgiving turkey.
  • Ernie tries to make Bert into Dilbert by pickling him.
  • Mother Goose's husband recites dirty poetry.
  • A dad wishes he could CTRL+S his baby's diaper change instead of doing it repeatedly.
  • A praying mantis refuses to eat any of her children.