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Browse our Family Cartoons

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  • A praying mantis is glad her son sent a mother's day card because now she can find her son and eat him.
  • A mouse wife screams and hops up on a chair every time her husband enters the room.
  • A baseball player names his triplets Carl, Nick, and Baby to Be Named Later.
  • A woman tells her babysitter that she doesn't need to call for help because her daughter's website has the answers.
  • A young Mr. Potatohead steals his dad's mustache to buy alcohol.
  • A dad notices Mr. Potatohead has switched from smoking a pipe to having a nicotine patch.
  • Martha Stewart told the doctor who delivered her to save her umbilical cord to make into a meaningful wall hanging.
  • The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe now lives in a Nike sneaker.
  • Mr. Potatohead looks for his tongue in a box of parts so he can stick it out.
  • Punxsutawney Phil's wife makes fun of the size of his butt.
  • A woman brings her famous meatloaf when she visits and paparazzi take pictures of it.
  • A dog in a pet store makes a sign that says "Piddles on Rugs" with an arrow pointing at the dog next to him.