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Browse our Family Cartoons

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  • Overprotective lemming parents want their son to wait half an hour after eating before throwing himself off a cliff.
  • A baby Godzilla is jealous of his brother because his slice of the pie bakery has fewer people in it.
  • Frogs get their tongues tied together while kissing.
  • A dog breaks up with her boyfriend to date his brother, but she says it in a cutesy dog voice so he doesn't mind.
  • A kid buries his dad and refuses to let him out unless he gets unlimited TV and other luxuries.
  • A key goes to a hardware store to get himself duplicated so he can sneak out to play poker with his friends.
  • A moth runs out of powder so she uses her boyfriend's wing.
  • A beetle comes home to find her husband dressed as a ladybug.
  • A man uses all purpose flour to build his house and furniture.
  • The Green Giant's doctor prescribes an herbal remedy to cure his cough: eating a piece of his uncle.
  • A toad doesn't want to carry his new bride across the threshhold because she pees when you pick her up.
  • The Cowardly Lion says mean things to his wife.