FUNNY Telecommunication & Phone cartoons & comics dial up the laughter! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Telecommunication & Phone Cartoons

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  • Parent knows inappropriate lyrics to teenager's cell phone ring tone.
  • Spider thinks he caught a fly but it is only his vibrating cell phone shaking the web.
  • Parent chooses ringtone for teenager's cell phone as punishment for daughter.
  • Early flip cell phones were large and clunky compared to today's smaller mobile phones.
  • A family uses their anytime mobile cell phone minutes to talk to the past and the future.
  • A group of angels go to Hell to use the WiFi hot spot for their laptops.
  • Humpty Dumpty had poor reception on his cell phone, lost concentration and fell.
  • Pavlov's dogs drool whenever the downstairs neighbor's telephone rings.
  • A voice mail system tells you what buttons to push if you want to swear at it.
  • A man's cell phone vibrates at a bee exhibit.
  • A woman's phone makes an impression in her face when she crashes her car.
  • A kangaroo puts its cell phone on vibrate.