FUNNY Telecommunication & Phone cartoons & comics dial up the laughter! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

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  • The real reason flies bump into windows is that they are looking down at their phones.
  • Flower calls to have hole in pot fixed, but repairman can't find the pothole.
  • It is difficult to work from home when cats sleep on you and your desk.
  • Tablet teacher tells students he's there to help raise their brightness.
  • Wife sends Grim Reaper text asking him to buy chocolate.
  • Angel removes his halo because it causes too much glare on his smartphone screen.
  • Smartphone excuses cheating to husband by claiming they were only taking selfies.
  • Student tells teacher that her pop quiz lowered her Yelp rating