FUNNY Telecommunication & Phone cartoons & comics dial up the laughter! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

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  • Smartphone at party says it’s tired of hearing about phone’s hang ups.
  • Man tells person locked in metal case their phone has good privacy settings.
  • Cat compared to smartphone wakes sleeping owner, wails music out window, entertains catching bug and is difficult to find.
  • God watching funny cat videos on smartphone asks angel if he missed anything as Earth cries for help from 2020 virus and disasters.
  • Birdwatcher on smartphone bird translator app reads target approaching as singing birds prepare to poop.
  • Criminal consumers arrested for eating sharing size candy, playing Words With Friends game with strangers, coffee in a tea cup and blowing nose on toilet paper.
  • Firework with smartphone weather app sees sudden 1200 degree heat rise Fourth of July hourly temperature forecast.
  • Woman on laptop uses opening can and shaking treats noise cat finding program to call missing pet.
  • Cop can’t give driver using smartphone with foot ticket for loop hole in hands-free driving rules.
  • Humpty Dumpty sitting on wall’s smartphone asks if he wants to enable push notifications.
  • Penguin asks penguin taking cellphone selfie photo if whole flock can use it.
  • Pinata’s smartphone asks if it would like to play Candy Crush video game as stick sneaks behind to attack.