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  • Valentine’s texts spelling cupid tooth cuspid, smartphone social media followers flowers, Roman tick romantic & ear hear emoji heart.
  • Man on deserted island with woman hopes she’ll swipe right on Tinder online dating app.
  • Mad celebrity on cellphone at dinner ironically criticizes bad reviews online then says roast chicken is dried out.
  • Dog on smartphone listens to favorite walk, ride, dinner songs play list.
  • Frustrated broken eggshell Humpty Dumpty missed smartphone Twitter icy winter weather warning & slips off wall.
  • Santa Claus on smartphone fitness app drops from 123 million peak Christmas Eve to zero miles relaxing at home vacation.
  • Woman on phone says plans to watch Netflix TV and chill with Frosty the Snowman.
  • Shopper sees bags honestly labeled squirrel seed in store, not bird seed.
  • Planets in solar system has Uranus called Doug, no one was surprised he changed his name.
  • Smartphone asks to open blood pressure health app before presidential votes news.
  • Woman with fang tooth houseplant asks other woman why called succulents.