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  • A bird conspiracy theorist challenges the Two Birds, One Stone theory.
  • Doctor prescribes fluids for fish, but the fish die because they drank their bowl water.
  • A snake eats 4 of the dalmations in 101 Dalmations.
  • A cat pretending to be its owner tries to exchange a dog for a gerbil at a pet store returns counter.
  • Husband cat finds that his wife put a poinsettia leaf in his sandwich and thinks she is trying to poison him.
  • A cat tells her frisky boyfriend that he needs to wear a flea collar for protection during sexual intercourse.
  • A dog wears a virtual reality visor to play games like "Chewing Shoes."
  • A dog will be dog food if the horse he bet on doesn't win the horse race.
  • A cat uses "freshly caught mouse" breath spray before a date.
  • Cats notice that a computer goes to sleep when you stop playing with it.
  • A kitten goes trick or treating dressed as a vacuum.
  • GMO foods and household items mutate to have hands, feet, and teeth.