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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • Godzilla tastes huge pot of food that contains Gilligan, Mary-Ann, and others, and says it tastes good, it just needs a little bit of Ginger.
  • Electric eel leaves repair shop at bottom of ocean that specializes in replacing shocks, and his electric shocks are much better.
  • Girl's dog and cats sitting with her friend, she tells friend her pets love her, friend says she wants to be veterinarian, pets run away.
  • Fish phones Ace Home Services saying he asked for a mermaid, not merbutler while butler with a fish tail swims in front of him.
  • Man tells co-worker Lynn is on phone, she's coming down with nasty bug, and Lynn is coming down from the ceiling with a giant insect.
  • Artist with bandaged leg and arm shows sculpture of bent bike to customer, says it's his latest piece called "Who Put That Tree There."
  • Egg watching TV, show announces that episode of "Julia Child Makes Yummy Omelette" contains graphic scenes, viewer discretion is advised.
  • People in office are frightened when radio station that's supposed to play soft music all day plays "Helter Skelter" by Beatles for April Fools Day.
  • One typewriter tells another her son discovered his Shift key, and now he's starting to say curse words with symbols instead of letters, like #@!%.
  • One clock tells another he's going to ask out Clara in accounting because he's heard she's pretty fast.
  • Man tells friend, "It's not easy being married to a proofreader," and she is correcting words in his cartoon bubble.
  • Man gives presentation about changing next year's cat calendar to reflect real life, such as January: Spunky coughs up furball, March: Clyde misses litterbox.