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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • A bunch of women get coached through labor at once.
  • Workers hope their boss doesn't realize they aren't working, and their boss hopes his workers don't realize he isn't working.
  • Basketballs in a bar have to watch out for the NBA player bouncer.
  • A marionette cuts her boyfriend's strings because he insisted on becoming unattached.
  • Cubism began because a painter accidentally ate magic mushrooms in his salad.
  • A man who works at a machete, razor blade, and notepaper factory gets a paper cut.
  • A woman can't think of a reason not to go out with a man, but when he calls later she'll have had time to find one.
  • A new pilot crashes her plane into a spice factory, becoming a seasoned pilot.
  • A painter gets bored of painting hell, but an arsonist is even more bored.
  • Snoopy's therapist gossips about him with another therapist.
  • Spiders want to eat a giant fly off the top of an exterminator's van.
  • The waiter at a fancy restaurant farts with his armpits to replace the violin player, who is on strike.