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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • A factory sells jars of extra salty sweat.
  • A cat's job gets eliminated, but his old boss thinks he'll land on his feet.
  • A tribesman realizes that his pasta needs something more right as an explorer passes by.
  • A Hollywood janitor mistakes Gumby for a piece of chewing gum.
  • A homing pigeon commits a mass shooting.
  • An insecure cartoonist calls a 1-900 number where someone will laugh at his jokes.
  • Comics artist draws mom’s Family Ties neckties, brothers’ Inferior Court & Who band art in heaven, dad’s nothing, wife’s flirty pick up sticks & daughter’s poopy diaper daddy Father’s Day cartoon jokes.
  • A dog watches a TV channel with shows like How to Skin a Cat and Death of a Mailman.
  • A cat dismantles his owner's car engine because he doesn't want to go to the vet to be neutered.
  • Fish author speaks about fish hook foolishness.
  • Wimpy, Old MacDonald, Mother Goose, and Gary Larson's reactions to hearing about mad cow disease.
  • A man holds a bird and a snake, maybe because demonstrating how to catch mice but probably because he's run out of ideas for cartoons.