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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • A cactus works hard at the office while the other plants hang around the water cooler.
  • The Pillsbury Dough Boy looks at the centerfold of Play Dough Magazine.
  • A chicken wears a buillon proof vest to keep from being turned into soup cubes.
  • Vincent van Potato pulls off his ear.
  • How cartoon characters' careers ended.
  • A can of paint's boss criticizes it for not applying itself.
  • Cartoon characters get caught in a thicket of cartoon water marks.
  • The big bad wolf succumbs to the stress of working two jobs.
  • A manager tells an employee to put moldy old bread in the gift aisle as "Chia Loaves."
  • A cat doesn't know what name to put on a job application.
  • The Pillsbury Dough Boy gets laid off and thinks "I'm toast."
  • Sam-I-Am strolls through a Dr. Seuss style farm.