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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • A boss plays virtual reality games like Leaving Even Earlier Than Usual.
  • A Walmart greeter is rude to everyone on his day off.
  • A man sprays bug spray on his barbecue food.
  • Sam I Am got someone to eat green eggs and ham on a bet.
  • A broom shows up to a party of mops.
  • The tooth fairy for sharks gets the most work.
  • An anteater sprays another anteater's house with sugar to attract ants.
  • A librarian wants her daughter returned by 9, or she'll start charging her date nickel fines.
  • Mrs. Potatohead wears boy's facial features to go to the car repair shop.
  • Worms gossip at the office dirt cooler.
  • A chapstick factory relocates to be near Steven Tyler, Carly Simon, and Mick Jagger to increase profits.
  • An accountant works through his coffee and lunch breaks.