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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • Mother Goose's husband recites dirty poetry.
  • A praying mantis refuses to eat any of her children.
  • A vampire orders Bloody Marys at a bar.
  • Mary's little lamb was actually a criminal.
  • A woman brings her car to Mr. Badwrench, who destroys it.
  • Piglet spills honey on himself and Pooh decides to make honey-roasted ham.
  • The library sues a bookkeeper for not returning his books.
  • Pinocchio goes shopping for paint to cover his bald spot.
  • The Pillsbury Dough Boy bakes himself a new girlfriend.
  • A bird lawyer interrogates a bird who bought "To Kill a Mockinbird" about killing her husband.
  • Pinocchio's barber uses a hammer and chisel to trim his hair.
  • A man's cubicle looks like a Rubiks Cube.