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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • The cartoon shows how various cartoon characters' careers ended.
  • A tiny woman recieves the bad news that her rug lawn has rugrats.
  • Snoopy buys ground chuck with a pattern like Charlie Brown's sweater.
  • The truth about dandruff is that it's debris from flea parties.
  • Bart Simpson's hair stylist has trouble figuring out where his hair ends and his flesh begins.
  • Martha Stewart leaves her body parts to her friends to make home d'cor out of.
  • Having a tank of piranhas encourages hands-off management.
  • Punk auto repairmen hang out in a grimy basement.
  • Rudolph complains in a bar that Santa got headlights and downsized him.
  • A man tells his wife he had his secretary on his laptop most of the day and she pours soup all over him.
  • Dr. Seuss is supposed to outgrow gibberish talk as a child.
  • Herbie the car hits on a new car model and uses new car smell breath spray.