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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • A cave man paints a prehistoric boar, and the boar makes a cave painting of the man.
  • A company's CEO says they have some dead wood, scaring Pinocchio.
  • Consumers disregard packaging warnings.
  • The cartoonist gets carpal tunnel and has to draw with his left hand.
  • Mice make their hole in the ceiling instead of the floor because their foreman is holding the plans upside down.
  • A man whose wife just had twins has an IV of coffee to stay awake.
  • A pumpkin's resume is a fairy tale.
  • The anatomy of the brain of a new parent.
  • Worker bees photocopy their stingers at office parties.
  • Flowers paint a rock to look like the grass around it so they can avoid the mower.
  • The cartoon shows alternate uses for Teletubbies.
  • Worms investigate a crime scene of an apple core.