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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • Telecommuting remote worker with pets cat and dog asleep on lap stretches to reach laptop computer in work from home problem.
  • Gettysburg Address President Abraham Lincoln on laptop sees online LinkedIn 4 score & 7 endorsements professional contacts.
  • Rebellious insects defy preconceived ideas with butterfly prefers margarine, professional plumber carpenter ant, atheist praying mantis & yellowjacket wearing purple sweater.
  • Cat sneaks outlawed catnip drugs illegally at secret blackmarket purr-easy speakeasies’ entrance.
  • Man annoyed at art gallery painting says his kid could do artist’s fussy crying baby artwork.
  • Cruel snow manager’s carrot nose stick work motivation method frustrates snowmen office workers.
  • Willy Wonka alone at empty factory as no one wants to see disgusting meat sausages being made.
  • Frustrated artist Picasso’s abstract portrait painting autocorrects changing from cubism to realistic.
  • Artist Mark Parisi breaks New Year’s resolutions to write down ideas by forgetting what to draw in next comic panel.
  • Mailman on large wooden sailing ship reaches to deliver customer order causing expensive shipping costs.
  • Cartoonist imagines self as cold complaining Santa refusing to deliver toys Christmas Eve.
  • Stressed Santa overwhelmed by busy job messed up goldfish pets’ dog bone treat Christmas present.