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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • Pinocchio takes a job as sawdust during hard times.
  • A new remote adjusts your bedhead for you.
  • The next corporate trend is flamboyant Fridays.
  • A spatula isn't impressed with the turn over rate from the summer.
  • An exit on the highway drops the car into Salvage Auto Parts.
  • A man accidentally splashes water on his pants right before a surprise party.
  • A truck driver becomes the center of attention when his catnip truck has an accident with an animal shelter.
  • A new coffee maker has an ID display for the last person that made coffee.
  • The new ice cream man gets the less coveted night shift.
  • The show 'World's Most Annoying Commercials' has unlimited possibilities.
  • A woman has experience writing IM'ing shorthand, as computer code.
  • A George Foreman Grill punches its owner when he tries to remove an undercooked burger.