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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • A dog has a choice of dentures to pick from.
  • An abstract painter hopes his painting will be moved over to the realism section.
  • A dentist is out of laughing gas, so he uses a stand-up comedian.
  • A cartoonist runs out of ink and can't finish the cartoon.
  • A meeting at Q-tips is so long, it goes in one ear and out the other.
  • 'Yes-men' act as bobble-head dolls.
  • An employee of a Vegan Foods company is a green noser with the boss.
  • The easter bunny paints his walls to look like easter eggshells.
  • The wisdom teeth send a letter to the rest of the teeth, asking how work is.
  • People buy different books about Waldo in the bookstore.
  • A future orthodontist fixes a snowman's smile, then takes an arm and a leg.
  • This employee has a cubicle clown to distract the boss.