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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • Photos of Christina Aguilera appear on the Internet.
  • A woman gets eight maids, but has nothing for them to milk.
  • Woman overcooks the turkey so it is dry.
  • A teacher does her grades with calligraphy so they can't be changed.
  • A man gets a giant edition of Billboard.
  • A manager gets promoted across the city, not in her office.
  • Donald Trump has a team of hair architects to keep his hair perfect.
  • The restaurant staff gamble as to when their customer will touch the plate.
  • An evangelist looks like she can join Kiss.
  • This time, a man will notice his wife's new hairstyle.
  • A soda made with Thomas Edison's ingredients for success.
  • A retiring model receives a 21 button salute.