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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • Fish boss on undersea office laptop interviews 8 hand octopus job applicant impressed by ambi-ambidexterous professional qualifications.
  • Kitty novelist sleeps on laptop keyboard & types random letters punctuation to complete writing novel in one night.
  • Bakery customer asks server for other baked goods but cat baker only kneads biscuit dough with paws.
  • Professional mayflies business office employees awards display brief lifespan employee of the minute winners.
  • Devil hurts comedian Carrot Top with pitchfork in hell fire punishment but is unsure salad fork torment etiquette.
  • Professional CPA taxes dog in suit has chew & retrieve toy office desk trays to organize dogs financial accounting files.
  • Uncomfortable optician employee feels watched by oppressive eyeglasses shop display frames crowd.
  • Artistic smartphones with realistic Renaissance Sistine Chapel God hand, abstract geometric squares, split screen cubism & headphone wire wrapped classical & modern famous art styles.
  • Rebellious cricket prefers base ball, fire ant plays in pool, never married spider relaxes & bed bug naps on sofa.
  • Surrealist Rene Magritte painting Son of Man has apple hiding face before then shows face peeking behind eaten fruit core after.
  • Jittery caffeine addicted man enjoys drinking lots of coffee cups works as vibrating professional masseuse.
  • Scientist warns cartoon speech bubbles polluting planet’s atmosphere released by talking.