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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • Bug magazines are covered with pictures of walking sticks.
  • Guests have to walk down the aisle one at a time at a flight attendant marriage.
  • Dali's later work is Perpetuity of Forgetfulness, with items he keeps losing.
  • A cemetery for chia pets.
  • A man works at home, and his hair starts to grow toward the sun like a plant.
  • How to deal with air pockets in the pool is discussed at a convention.
  • Lemony Snicket gives his homework to his school teacher.
  • Candles made of wax after celebrities have a body wax.
  • A lifeguard uses a paintball gun and sun screen pellets on the beach.
  • The Big Bad Wolf trains another wolf to blow down houses.
  • A car repair shop uses a frog as the new air bag.
  • The marriage of an artist to a bad drawing that doesn't work.