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  • Librarians are now able to see what words you read with their new technology.
  • Scaring the page layout artist results in the page being off center.
  • A cable installer does show up for the birth delivery when he is supposed to.
  • Goliath, from the tale of David and Goliath, had jerseys made up before hand for after his victory.
  • Dinosaurs had trouble adapting to the Ice Age when they slipped on the ice.
  • Dog wonders why he stayed in school when he could have become a trash collector dog.
  • Traffic accident between NyQuil and Vicks medicine trucks prevents the highway from being congested.
  • Man returning to work after recovering from an injury is hit with a celebratory Champagne cork.
  • The twelve drumming drummers get downsized.
  • The influence that Picasso had on modern music.
  • A copy machine with glass shaped perfectly for wild office parties.
  • A man has his wife filling up balloons while she is in labor.