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  • Ex-programmer/garbage worker asks if you are sure you want to empty your trash.
  • The earth asks the sun what it does after working all day and the sun answers moonlighting.
  • How the artists Dali, Warhol, Magritte, Pollock are inspired.
  • The new dog food tastes meatier, but who's going to taste it'
  • Bee brings flowers for birthday gift but other bee needs to make honey.
  • Music advisory stickers that would be useful about singers, bands, and songs.
  • A pigeon has paintings of Crumbs in his house.
  • A dog painting's nose follows viewers around the room.
  • Vampire's get fun sized blood bags as Halloween treats.
  • A future TV program director has experience designing cookie cutters.
  • A room ends up demolished after a man takes a power nap.
  • A printer stops working because the paper is jamming.