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  • Gallagher's parents change his baby diaper and wear rain ponchos for protection.
  • A hospital for all of the characters injured in a Monty Python skit.
  • A cloud speaks to his supervisor at work about a drug test that's positive of acid in his rain.
  • After the wisdom teeth are pulled by dentist, the rest of the teeth don't know what to do without them.
  • Two employees are very impressed with the new floor manager, who is managing tiles.
  • Bird uses the computer to telemigrate north for the winter, instead of flying.
  • Dessert company employees argue over who got the best office.
  • A flower pretends to be a person by freaking out when a bee lands on it.
  • Ants are expected to be programming computers higher than their brain capacity.
  • Picasso, Monet, Christo, and Da Vinci are portrayed as artists with very different inspirations.
  • First day on job doesn't go well.
  • Supernanny watching South Park on TV.