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  • Harry Potter's book release cause drop in company productivity.
  • An author signs his Origin of Species Evolution book before a line of species in descending evolution.
  • Fish Bar bouncer at a fish bar waves in all the fish but discriminates by denying anchovies entrance.
  • Author of book on popularity find himself alone at book signing.
  • A woman hires a tidy-up service so she won't be embarrassed when her cleaning service arrives.
  • Hieroglyphic translations on mummy from friends signing his cast.
  • A bouncer pulls a man away from a poker game after mishearing him say he's counting carbs.
  • A man scoops incandescent bulbs while a woman uses a soft serve ice cream machine to make fluorescent bulbs.
  • The Thing looks for Exposed Brick porn online.
  • Cave people hide enormous dinosaur eggs for Easter egg hunt.
  • A man wears a ribbon to support checkout clerks endangered by self check out stations.
  • A man reading an article called How Strong Are the Borders' doesn't notice other cartoons sneaking into his cartoon.