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  • Factory mix up produces "I can't believe it's not hair" and "Gee your butter smells terrific."
  • Vampire admires the blood wine drink of another vampire, requesting something in the same vein.
  • Harry Potter sees Voldermort reading "Chicken Soup for the Horcrux."
  • Janitor surrounded by mannequins is worried when he finds book on dummies waiting to strike.
  • Fan forgets to wear lucky underwear and player blames loss on him.
  • CIA Agents question chattering teeth factory about suspicious chatter.
  • Clerk alerts manager to the simplified record store catalog system by to musician's rehab status.
  • Harley Davidson motorcycle gang reads Harry Potter by bonfire for the motorcycle parts.
  • Office organization inbox complains about never going out of the office like the office outbox.
  • Toddlers tell day care worker about guilt points, crying as parents leave the toddlers at day care.
  • Whack-a-mole arcade game is run by using real moles for the job.
  • Spoofs on current reality television showing the failed reality television shows.