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Browse our Other Careers & Jobs Cartoons

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  • Lorraine is enthused about her role as a domestic engineer and makes train noises out the window.
  • Dog painters paint with their tails while their boss remarks his dogs work better when happier.
  • Old curvy computer monitors are being replaced by a new flat screen model and they're angry.
  • The pool bathrooms have been locked all day, but no one complained because they were peeing in the pool.
  • A court rules that Frank can't call his homemade chili "Frank's Famous Chili" because none of the witnesses have heard of it.
  • The Weiner Dog Factory shows factory line worker filling the Weiner dog casings to be weiner dogs.
  • Cats discuss hiring cat contractors to give cat bathroom a fresh coat of cat litter.
  • Girl with fishing pole casts her line at the sun trying to catch some rays.
  • Boss holds employees in office meeting over a broken window cracked to look like a line graph.
  • Employee walks into coworker's office to find his inbox is in his outbox.
  • With pride for preparing students, a teacher has a classroom of students with cubicle office desks.
  • Oprah gave away all the cars at Al's Cars dealership.